

澳门葡京博彩软件成绩单上最多可记录64个转学学分. Transfer credit is accepted from accredited institutions of higher education in the United States 和 abroad. 通常只有那些属于澳门葡京博彩软件文科课程范围内的课程才会被批准. 学分的评估和转移是在每门课程的基础上,由注册主任批准.


Enrolled students interested in studying elsewhere must have their work approved in advance by the registrar for domestic study or the 国际学习办公室 国外课程.

国内转移信贷, complete the transfer credit application 和 submit it to the registrar's office with course descriptions for in-person courses 和 course syllabi for online courses. 所有材料提交后,您将收到预批准状态的通知.


学生 可能不 be enrolled in coursework at another institution during the Fall 和 Spring semesters at Smith. This includes summer 和 小学期/winter session courses that ovelap with the start 和 end of the regular Smith semesters. 课程 taken through the 五所学院交换 during the Fall 和 Spring semesters are not considered dual enrollment.


  • 属于澳门葡京博彩软件文科课程范围内的课程
  • 微积分预科及以上水平的数学课程
  • 涉及解决问题和使用语言(如Java)的计算机科学课程, Python, 或JavaScript来获得学分. 数据处理导论等课程不计入学分
  • Journalism courses upon review of the syllabus by the registrar 和 the director of the Journalism Concentration
  • 团体表演音乐课程(一.e.,合唱团,管弦乐队,乐队)
  • 独立研究,并由澳门葡京博彩软件相应的学术部门评估和批准
  • 一门会计课程(最多4学分)
  • One course in speech (up to 4 credits) upon review of the syllabus by the registrar 和 director of the Jacobson Center
  • 在线课程可以考虑为目前注册的澳门葡京博彩软件学生的学分. 课程 that do not count for degree credit at the host institution for their own students are not accepted for transfer credit.


  • The first semester only of an introductory language taught at Smith in a department that requires a full year of language study (consult the college catalog for departmental policies)
  • 任何形式的实习,包括与课程相关的实习
  • 专业预科课程,包括但不限于法律课程, 业务, 营销与管理, 通信, 刑事司法, 护理, 社会工作
  • 英语作为第二语言或其他补习课程
  • CLEP或分班考试
  • 后备军官训练队和/或军事课程
  • 参加团体运动



  • 12个暑期学分(包括预科暑期学分)
  • 在澳门葡京博彩软件或其他地方批准的12个中期学分
  • 在澳门葡京博彩软件大学或其他学校的任何一学期不得超过4个学分
  • 获得澳门葡京博彩软件学位需要16个预科学分
  • 暑期总学分不超过32学分, 小学期, 大学先修课程或其他大学预科学分
  • 学生 are allowed up to 12 credits at any one level of language study; consult with the chair of the relevant department
  • ESS performance courses are normally awarded no more than one semester credit with a combined maximum of 4 transfer 和 Smith ESS credits allowed toward the degree
  • Dance Performance courses are normally awarded no more than 2 credits with a combined maximum of 12 transfer 和 Smith dance credits (for non-dance majors) 和 20 credits (for dance majors) allowed toward the degree
  • 24个音乐表演学分
  • 说明文课程的学分不得超过8个
  • 微积分预科阶段的数学课程不得超过4个学分

网上转帐学分 & 标准

为应对Covid-19大流行及其对高等教育的相关影响, 澳门葡京博彩软件放宽了对接受在线课程转学分的限制.

进入澳门葡京博彩软件的传统学生, first-time/first-year students may transfer up to 16 transfer credits for online courses meeting the criteria below. This includes both pre-matriculation course work that has been awarded credit (入学前获得的AP学分/大学学分, (见下文)和澳门葡京博彩软件大学入学后的课程.

转入澳门葡京博彩软件大学的学生, 包括Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件, 如果在澳门葡京博彩软件大学入学前修过在线课程,可以将超过16个学分的课程转学. 学生 entering with more than 16 credits of online transfer work must receive Academic Board approval to take additional online transfer work during their period of enrollment.


澳门葡京博彩软件所有现有的转学分政策都适用于在线学习的课程. 请参阅本页的一般转学分要求了解更多信息 转让学分政策. 除了这些一般需要之外, 在线课程还必须符合以下标准才能被批准转学分:

  • 完成网上课程 之前 到2020年春季学期通常不符合转学分资格.
  • 在线课程必须由地区认可的学院或大学提供, 并且必须适用于该学校的本科学位. 因此,mooc和其他非学分或学分选修课程(如.g.、edX、Coursera、Udacity等.)不符合转学分资格.
  • 在线课程必须在规定的学期/学期内提供, 有明确的开始和结束日期, 并且可能不是自定节奏或完全异步的.
  • Online courses may only be taken during the summer or winter break (not overlapping the fall or spring semesters) or while the student is on leave from Smith (for matriculated students).
  • 在线课程必须通过课程材料进行结构化的进展.
  • 在线课程必须包括重要的学生和教师 学生之间的互动,除了作业和反馈.

学生 must submit a full syllabus with the transfer credit application form to the registrar’s office for review by the office. 教学大纲应明确说明上述要求. 学生 should provide ample time for the review process 和 are advised not to register for an online course until pre-approval has been confirmed.


A transfer credit applicaiton form must be completed for any courses taken for credit elsewhere in the United States. 正式成绩单应提交至:

北安普顿MA 01063


我们接受未开封的成绩单, 密封信封或由安全的电子成绩单提供商发送. 如果打开,则不接受手工交付的成绩单.

在国外取得的学分的成绩单应寄到学校 国际学习办公室.


五所学院交换 course are not considered transfer credit 和 are not subject to transfer credit restrictions; however, 通常只有那些属于澳门葡京博彩软件文科课程范围内的课程才会被批准.

Interterm 和 summer sessions at the University of Massachusetts are not included in the 五所学院交换 和 therefore are considered transfer credit, 受限于接受转让信用证所需的限制和程序.


作为学位学生(大学水平的工作)在入学前完成的学分, AP, IB, 和a -level)在获得批准后不会立即应用于学位. The courses are added to your record 和 credit may be applied only in the following circumstances (see your 类院长 有关详情):

  1. 弥补因失败而产生的信用不足.
  2. 得到了班长的同意, 补课:弥补因健康原因而退课所造成的学分不足.
  3. 参加速成课程(在六到七个学期内完成学位要求). 

Any credits completed in summer school before matriculation are counted in the 12-credit limit of summer credit allowed toward the degree. A maximum of one semester (16 credits) of any combination of pre-matriculation credit may be counted toward the degree.

Individual academic departments are responsible for determining if the transfer courses may be counted toward the requirements of the major. Pre-matriculation学分 may also be used to count toward the 64 credits outside the department of the major or as pre-requisites for higher level courses without credits being applied towards the degree.

Pre-matriculation学分 可能不 be used to reduce your course load or to fulfill the distribution requirements for latin honors or the writing intensive requirement.


澳门葡京博彩软件接受大多数AP考试的AP成绩为4或5分,IB成绩为5分, 6, 大多数高级考试是7分. 





College credit earned at an accredited college or university before matriculation as a first-year student may be accepted if it meets the following criteria:

  1. 该课程在学院/大学校园内为已录取的学位学生开设, 由学院/大学教授授课.
  2. 该课程不会在高中成绩单上被列为高中毕业证书的课程.
  3. 这门课的成绩为B-或更高.
  4. 本课程符合澳门葡京博彩软件的转学分指南.

To have pre-matriculation credit reviewed a completed pre-matriculation certification form signed by the high school must be submitted to the registrar's office along with an official transcript from the college.


a - level,法国学士学位和其他文凭课程

澳门葡京博彩软件在大多数高级水平考试中接受A-level成绩为A和B. Upon review by the registrar French Baccalaureate 和 some 13th year programs outside of the United States may be accepted.

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